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Would your residents choose your community again? Check out this infographic and see what you think.
These findings are from People, Place, Programming: Quality of Life in Assisted Living, by Margaret Wylde, PhD, and Kristen Paris, PhD. This study, from ProMatura and the American Seniors Housing Association, was published in 2019; 2,322 people from 106 assisted living communities participated.
Infographic text:
Would your residents choose your community again?
ProMatura research has found that in assisted living, these indicators influence this answer the most:
- Satisfaction
- Feeling at home
- Willingness to recommend the community to family and friends
Here’s what impacts those indicators the most:
- Satisfaction: quality of common areas, food quality, quality family visits
- Feeling at home: camaraderie, staff know me well, food quality
- Willingness to recommend: camaraderie, staff know me well, dining schedule
Source: People, Place, Programming: Quality of Life in Assisted Living, from ProMatura and American Seniors Housing Association, https://www.seniorshousing.org/bookstore/